Sunday, August 29, 2010

Two Glasses of Water Before Meals to Lose Weight

Having problems with weight? You have tried hard to lose weight, either by using medication or diet foods consumption. But so far it does not work. Do not despair, there is good news for you. You have an alternative way to lose weight, using natural method that inexpensive and safe like the following.
Researchers from the United States have found that drinking two glasses of water before meals will help you in losing weight. This natural method more effective because it can reduce more weight than using the other method such as by calculating the calories intake.

They have done a comparison between people who go on a diet by drinking 2 glasses of water before meals with the other groups who counting the intake calories.

For three months, people from the group that doing diet by drinking two glasses of water before eating lose weight as much as 7 kg, 2 kg more than those that using other methods.

An advice from Dr. Brenda Davy from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University that cited by Daily Mail, says that if you want to lose weight, then you should drink more water and reduce sugar consumption.

This makes us wonder why this simple method can give very satisfactory results? The answer can be found from previous research conducted by Dr. Brenda and the other researchers. From this study it was found that people who drink water before meals will consume 75-90 calories less.

Water indeed provides many benefits for us. One of them is able to assist us in reducing weight in a healthy way. If your stomach is full of water, then the stomach will feel full up and you will eat less.

So, start today with drinking more fresh water. In addition to lose weight, you will also have better health.

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