Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ice Cream that Can Make You Stay Young

Women are known to do many things deffer the growth of wrinkles on their face, such as using expensive cream, botox injection to plastic surgery. But, how if it could be done by simply eating ice creams? How if eating ice creams can delay wrinkles and make the skin more radiant?

An research is being developed to produce an ice cream with high amount of antioxidants to prevent aging and to make skin looks more beautiful. As quoted from, the research is conducted by a global company, Unilever in a cooperation with a biotechnology company, Ampere Life Sciences.

They will conduct a five years research to develop an anti-aging products, focusing on antioxidant materials. The plan of this research is to develop an array of antioxidant products.

Antioxidants are indeed the "primadonna" in the beauty world. Not only it may make more your skin look more beautiful and delay the wrinkles, it also can function as anti-cancer substance. But meanwhile, while waiting for this ice cream becomes reality in the market, you can get your antioxidants from variety of fruits dan green vegetables.

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