Monday, September 27, 2010

Is it true that 80% of Cheating Husbands Still Love Their Wives?

For a married men or womend, an affair can be started from the habit of teasing or flirting. This teasing and flirting may end there, just like that. But it may also continued, pushed deeper into an affair.

The more your partner flirts, the higher the risk of him being involved in an affair. A psychologist confirmed this. Ragnar Beer, a psychologist from Goettingen, Germany, conducted a survey on 2,600 men and women who had ever cheated or be cheated by their partners.

One result from this survey is very surprising. Most of or about 80% of cheating men/women are still in love with their partner. The biggest reasons for their cheating are the opened opportunities, inability to resist the temptations, or a need for new challanges. Excessive stress at work can also be counted as a factor.

In addition to the above facts, consider these four other startling facts surrounding romantic affairs:
  • Not Just One Night Stand Dating
    Research conducted by Beer shows the most affairs are not just a one night stand dating. Only 12% women and 15% men done this one night stand. Almost 60% of the respondents admitted that their affairs lasted for more than 1 month, some even up to 6 months.

  • Affairs May Be Repetitive
    One affair may then be followed by another, and then another, another... and so forth. According to the conducted survey, 49% of the cheating husbands and 55% of the cheating wives cheated only once. And 17% of men were having an affair while dating a woman, 12% male respondents cheated twice and and 22% cheated more than three times. About women, 20% of them betrayed their husbands twice, 10% three times and 15% more than three times.

  • After Having Been Caught Cheating
    An affair will always be a big problem when exposed. According to Deer's survey, most people admit their infidelity to their partner, ie 44% men and 46% women. 30% men and 24% women's affairs were exposed because of being caught by their partners. Only 3% men and 6% women's affairs being exposed because of the other's reports.

  • Betrayals Will Never Be Forgotten
    Discourse that unfaithfulness can be forgiven and forgetten turned out to be wrong. 43% men and 61% women had never been able to forgive and forget their partner's affairs. Then, 11% men and 20% women who have an unfaithful partner, find themselves hating their partners instead of loving them.

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