Thursday, September 16, 2010


A problem that often faced by married couples are the waning of their romantic life because of daily chores. We need to express our love to our spouse, to keep our flame of  love burning.

To express our love, we don't have to wait for special occasion. We can do it in our day-to-day life, and make it a habit.

If right now you feel that your romantic life with your spouse has become less beautiful than it was, start doing this basic habit to rekindle the fire of love again. We'll never be too late for doing anything good, won't we?
  1. Never forget to say "I Love You" to your partner everyday. Let him/her know how much you care about him/her.

  2. Hug him/her and give him/her a kiss good-bye before you leave. Do the same when you get home: greet him/her and give your warm hug.

  3. Treat him/her as if he/she were your date. Treat her/him even better than when you were dating: opening the door for her, hold out a chair for her, help her in her domestic work, or hold her hands when you're walking together.

  4. Do not let small things annoy you. It's only a matter of choice whether feeling annoyed with your partner's bad habit or finding a workaround. If she always leaves the cap off the toothpaste, then use a separate tube. Or if he always leaves his clothes laying around, just try to ignore it or pick them up and put them on place. Buying additional hangers won't be a big deal, don't you think? Buy some new ones and keep them handy. As best as you can, create a pleasant atmosphere for both of you in your home.

  5. Instead of thinking about the disappointing things he had done, why not just focus on the positive things he/she had done for you? Things that may draw both of you closer together?

  6. When you get angry, try to hold your words, even if you feel you want to shed your anger on your partner. Take a break, breath deeper. Or give yourself time to regroup by being away from him/her for a moment. By doing that, you may be able to see problem more clearly. Letting your anger shed uncontrollably would just make you say and do things that you will regret later.

  7. Never use your partner's secrets or weaknesses against him/her! Never talk to your friends, mother, his family or anyone about it, even when it seems insignificant or cute to you. Your partner entrust you with his/her secrets, so never ever fail his/her trust.

  8. Be willing to, at least, accompany your partner in doing his/her favorite things, such as watching a soccer ball game or fishing. Make him/her enjoy their activities. Do that and later you'll find how he does the same to you!

  9. Show respect to your partner. Do not ever talk bad things about your partner to others. When you are talking about your partner to somebody else, let the one who talks with you feel the respect and love you have for him/her. Let your respect and love shine through your words.

  10. Always find convenient time to be together every day. Find out what kind of activities that you both enjoy either eating your meal together, or just laying in bed. Skipping your favorite TV program for a a walk around the block with him/her would never hurt either. You can choose and mix the activities anyway you wish. If you are away from home, don't forget to call home just to hear his/her voice. The point is to spend time together every day, either by just talking, holding hands when sitting together... or whatever things to build connection between the two of you.
Without loving acts, loving words are meaningless. Make a romantic life a part of your daily life!

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