Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Signs that You Are Enslaved by Your Job

Today more and more employees have 'vacation deprived syndrome'. This is a syndrome where an employee still doing his works despite being in vacation and thus will not get paid.

This syndrome occurs due to technological progress. With the existence of smart phones and laptops make a worker can be contacted by his superiors at any given time, and there is no objection at all from the worker about it.

A survey conducted by revealed that some people even feel guilty if they take their annual leave even though they know that they are fully entitled for it. If this is your situation, then it may be that you, too, are enslaved by your job.

Fact shows, such attitude would bring bad influence on health, family relationship and social life. And in some cases, this would give adverse effects to the company's overall progress. According to Nick Deligiannis, head of Hays, a recruitment company, this new habit was influenced by unhealthy economic conditions.

According to Nick Deligiannis, as quoted from, "The current economic situation had forced many companies to be very strict in recruitments, resulting in very high workloads for some employees, thus makes them come home later than normal, and works during weekends or holidays".

A research conducted in the United States found that female workers also experience that "vacation deprived syndrome".Deligiannis said that currently, the boundaries between work life and personal life have been blurred and blurred. This is mainly due to the belief that every worker should take more responsibility considering the current economic situation.

This belief may come from wrong perception about their role or job descriptions. Or maybe simply because of the superior's inability or distrust to delegate work to their subordinates.

For some employees, what's important is not only how others thinks about them, but also how they see themselves. In other cases, the blurred line comes from a sincere interest in job.

"Do not allow yourself to be enslaved by a PDA or laptop. Restrain yourself from checking incoming emails or messages at breakfast, lunch and dinner. This will discipline yourself to rest more. Professionals are the people who do not let themselves sunk into a job thus having no personal life, "Deligiannis said.

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