Friday, November 12, 2010

Popular Reason for Absenteeism

A survey conducted by Sambucol, a brand of multivitamins, found out that many bosses do not believe it if their employees asked for sick leave.

After surveying 3,000 employers, the researchers found that about 75 percent of them do not believe it when their employees requested permission to leave because of sickness. The bosses tend to think that the sickness is just an excuse to relax at home.

More than 60 percent of employers said that lack of presence over certain percentage gives negative effects on the promotion or increase of the salaries of the employees. Flu and headaches are not considered a strong reason to be absent from work. And one-third of the bosses also do not consider pain and diarrhea as sufficient reason to stay at home. Some other bosses even are not showing sympathy to the condition of a broken arm.

Fortunately, you can still apply to take a day off to recover your health. But, not more than one day. Most of the bosses expect their employees to go back to work after three days permit of influenza.

If you suffer from migraine attacks, you can easily get a permit for absence. But "headache" would not serve as a good excuse to not working during the day. Sambucol spokesman said, as quoted from Genius Beauty, most British businessmen are not expecting their employees to ask leave for sickness, unless in a really bad condition.

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