Friday, November 5, 2010

Win Your Ex's Heart Back

Brake up in relationship is often caused by emotional of both couple. Frequently, when all the emotional have calmed down, one of the couple feel sorry to break up without thinking carefully.

If this happens to you, you need certain strategies to win back your former lover's heart. Because, usually when trying to get back together with your ex, he/she would still try to keep his/her distance from you. The chances are, he/she is still in doubt whether you'll repeat some mistakes that have hurt him/her.

As quoted from web EzineArticles, if you really want to get your relationship back, there is one thing that you should remember: don't repeat the same "sin" as before.
  • Self-Introspect
    The first step you can do is to evaluate yourself. Find out more on what things that had made you and he/she argued. Was it something that came from your or from his/her attitude? Can you change yourself for him/her?

    In addition, you also must consider whether the relationship is worthy to keep if he/she is not willing to change his/her behavior that has frustrated you. Make sure to prepare yourself for all possibilities, so that you won't have to face a break up again.

  • Appreciate your partner more
    Show him/her that you can appreciate him/her in all things. Mutual respect is an important factor in a relationship. Show him/her that you can appreciate him/her better than you used to. But, do not forget to tell him/her that you want to build the relationship based on mutual respect.

  • Restore Your's Ex Confidence in You
    To get your ex back into your arms, you need to build rapport and do things that can restore his/her confidence in you. For example, if you an emotional type, perhaps now is the time show him/her that you can contain your emotion and are willing to discuss any problem reasonably.
By showing your efforts and your attitude's change, your ex might re-evaluate his/her feelings and might desire to re-establish the relationship with the "new" you.

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