Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Benefits of Mutual Trust In Marriage

Marriage requires mutual trust between the couple. If we want a strong relationship then we should have strong foundations. And mutual trust is one of the strong foundation we need to have.

Here are some benefits of having mutual trust in a marriage, as quoted from Helium.
  • Strengthening relationships
    As stated earlier, trust is one of the foundation needed for having a strong relationship. No relationship would be able to go well without the presence of trust between the couple.

  • Strengthening love between the couple
    If you and your spouse can trust each other, both of you will feel more comfortable in the relationship. That comfort will provide suitable media for love to grow even stronger, bigger and deeper.

  • Keeping intimacy
    Stronger love will make it easier to keep intimacy, and deeper intimacy will result in deeper and more fulfilling marriage life.
Have you now understood the importance of trust in your marriage?
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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Great Way to Fight the Fire of Jealousy

Jealousy is a complicated emotion, especially in a relationship. While jealousy is a natural emotion, you can not let it control you or else it will eventually damage your relationship with your loved one.

However, jealousy can also have positive effects in a relationship, and it is a normal emotions of every person. But if you a are a jealous person, here are some basic strategies to control your jealousy, as quoted from pages Ineedmotivation.
  • Positive Thinking
    Many times women spend more time to think about their partner in negative ways, making them more prone to jealousy. Negative feelings and bad self image could easily transform into jealousy. If you don't control it, in the end it will control you. Try to think in more positive ways, you will find yourself less jealous than before.

  • Do Not Compare Yourself With Others
    One of the main reasons why people feel jealous is because they compare themselves with others. We are all individuals with our own uniqueness. Understand this concept, and you will realize that comparing yourself with others is useless.

    We all have things that other people do not have and vice versa. The combination of what we have and what they lack is unique. It would be much better to focus on bringing out best of ourselves.

  • Remind Yourself About Bad Consequences of Jealousy
    Jealousy will only leave scars and disappointments. Why should you let yourself to feel something that will only give a negative effects to yourself, whether it be a feeling of disappointment or a hurt to your partner's feelings.

    It is true, it is not easy to control jealousy. But this is exactly what you need to remind yourselves of all bad things that would happen if you let jealousy control you. Think about the negative consequences of jealousy as as fast as it grows, before it becomes too big to handle.

  • Live A Healthy Life
    Studies show that people can control their jealousy better after changing their eating habits into a healthy one. It's quite interesting. Look closer to the way you live. Perhaps your jealousy rooted from your lack proper diet, proper exercise or having no hobby that can enhance positive mood.

    Stress and unhealthy lifestyle will impact psychological condition seriously, which in turn will trigger the negative feelings that lead to jealousy. To prevent it, do the activities that can make you happy, such as relaxing or traveling, which could dampen the effect of jealousy.

  • Turn Your Jealousy Into Motivation
    Instead of letting jealousy hurt yourself, try thinking about what you can do to change it. Do not linger in feelings of jealousy, it will make you think irrationally more and more. Drive your energy into a more positive direction such as to motivate yourself to become a better person.
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Friday, November 12, 2010

Popular Reason for Absenteeism

A survey conducted by Sambucol, a brand of multivitamins, found out that many bosses do not believe it if their employees asked for sick leave.

After surveying 3,000 employers, the researchers found that about 75 percent of them do not believe it when their employees requested permission to leave because of sickness. The bosses tend to think that the sickness is just an excuse to relax at home.

More than 60 percent of employers said that lack of presence over certain percentage gives negative effects on the promotion or increase of the salaries of the employees. Flu and headaches are not considered a strong reason to be absent from work. And one-third of the bosses also do not consider pain and diarrhea as sufficient reason to stay at home. Some other bosses even are not showing sympathy to the condition of a broken arm.

Fortunately, you can still apply to take a day off to recover your health. But, not more than one day. Most of the bosses expect their employees to go back to work after three days permit of influenza.

If you suffer from migraine attacks, you can easily get a permit for absence. But "headache" would not serve as a good excuse to not working during the day. Sambucol spokesman said, as quoted from Genius Beauty, most British businessmen are not expecting their employees to ask leave for sickness, unless in a really bad condition.
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Friday, November 5, 2010

Win Your Ex's Heart Back

Brake up in relationship is often caused by emotional of both couple. Frequently, when all the emotional have calmed down, one of the couple feel sorry to break up without thinking carefully.

If this happens to you, you need certain strategies to win back your former lover's heart. Because, usually when trying to get back together with your ex, he/she would still try to keep his/her distance from you. The chances are, he/she is still in doubt whether you'll repeat some mistakes that have hurt him/her.

As quoted from web EzineArticles, if you really want to get your relationship back, there is one thing that you should remember: don't repeat the same "sin" as before.
  • Self-Introspect
    The first step you can do is to evaluate yourself. Find out more on what things that had made you and he/she argued. Was it something that came from your or from his/her attitude? Can you change yourself for him/her?

    In addition, you also must consider whether the relationship is worthy to keep if he/she is not willing to change his/her behavior that has frustrated you. Make sure to prepare yourself for all possibilities, so that you won't have to face a break up again.

  • Appreciate your partner more
    Show him/her that you can appreciate him/her in all things. Mutual respect is an important factor in a relationship. Show him/her that you can appreciate him/her better than you used to. But, do not forget to tell him/her that you want to build the relationship based on mutual respect.

  • Restore Your's Ex Confidence in You
    To get your ex back into your arms, you need to build rapport and do things that can restore his/her confidence in you. For example, if you an emotional type, perhaps now is the time show him/her that you can contain your emotion and are willing to discuss any problem reasonably.
By showing your efforts and your attitude's change, your ex might re-evaluate his/her feelings and might desire to re-establish the relationship with the "new" you.
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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Scatterbrain. What causes it?

Do you often forget to bring important office files, leave your cell phone at home or lost your ATM card again and again? It may sound normal, but if it occurs repeatedly and may cause harm to other people, you should look into the things around you.

As quoted from, here are five things that can cause it.
  • Excessive Usage of Technology
    The smart phones that are always on, laptops, and iPods are the things that would always seize your attention. Especially if you use all them simultaneously. Because, the more you try to handle them all, the more difficult for you to focus. Train yourself to do thing one thing at a time and do not get addicted to technology. If necessary, turn of all your gadgets for one day.

  • Lack of Sleep
    Lack of quality sleep will make you touchy, hard to concentrate and will give you hard times to finish your work. It is a normal reaction of a body deprived from proper sleep. Get a sufficient rest and you'll be back to normal.

  • Job Dissatisfaction
    Boring or unorganized Work environment can also make it difficult to concentrate. Lack of clarity in job description which makes you have to do a lot of work simultaneously can also be the culprit.

  • Stress
    Stress can take all of your concentration, making it harder for you to focus your attention and causing you slower to think. Do not let stress controls you. Try to cope your stress by doing various activities such as taking vacation or doing some meditations.

  • Lack of Exercise
    Research shows that regular exercise makes your mind sharper and increases your ability to remember things. Lack of exercise will make the blood flows to many body parts, including to the brain, become less smooth and thus can affect your ability to concentrate. Try to do a little exercise regularly. Take some time to jog or run in the morning before going to work.
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Monday, October 25, 2010

Reasons Why Love is More Important Than career

Do you often feel confused to allocate your time between work and your partner? Is giving priority to love over career always better than otherwise? Read on and learn how to make the right decision of this dilemma.

Yourtango website states that, putting love as your priority is a wiser decision for the future. Fulfillments of your emotional needs would give you more happiness and satisfaction that in turn would help you be more successful in your career.

Why? What are the reasons you should be more concerned about your love life than your career?
  • A Date will not impede your career
    Spending 1-2 hours quality time with your partner would not harm your career. You would hardly mess your job if you sacrifice one or two hours to spend your time with your lover. Especially if he/she is an understanding partner, he/she would not force you to go out when you have to finish a pile of works.

    If he/she really cares about you, he/whe will understand your situation. For example, he/she will support you if you are working on important projects in the office.

  • Having Someone Would Make You A Happier Person
    Imagine this picture: you're currently working on a long-term project that is very consuming in terms of time and energy. You are very busy that makes you sunk into depression. How if you have a partner who then came and bring you food? Of course, that would ease the stress that you experience due to your deadline works.

  • Marriage Is Not Going to Divert Your Attention
    In a marriage of creative and busy persons, the married couples need to support each other. They should not obstruct each other's activities. In addition, the presence of children should not become obstacles to your career, but should make your life more colorful.

  • Rich Or Poor Is Not The Main Issue
    Love is not about money. It's about togetherness. Be thankful that at least you're together and are able to give support to each other.
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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Which one is more dangerous: Emotional Affair or Sex Affair?

Infidelity is often considered as a betrayal only when it involves physical while in fact, emotional affair can damage a marriage as bad as physical/sexual affair.

Absence of physical intimacy in marriage, complicated by constant emotional and psychological involvement with another one may simultaneously "turn-off" the satisfaction and closeness with the partner.

"When you develop emotional intimacy with someone else, you and your partner will no longer feel emotionally connected to each other. The focus and energy that used to be for your partner have been moved to another person. Emotional affair has every means to turn-off a relationship quickly", said Lauren Mackler, a therapist and the author of "Soulmate: Master the Art of Aloneness and Transform Your Life", as quoted from NY Daily News.

Emotional infidelity can begin casual communication such as those in friendships, then goes on to a more intense relationship that ultimately culminating in an emotional relationships. At this stage, it has become a form of infidelity.

"One who is involved in emotional affair often does not realize it. So, as the time goes by, the relationship will become stronger and unconsciously they will then adjust themselves to one another," said Dr. James Wadley, a sexual therapist and marriage expert.

Then, what are the danger signs of a friendship that headed toward emotional affair? It is when someone can not think of others but his/her special friend, continual message sending either via SMS, email or chat, and especially when one starts to lie to his/her partner.

"When someone says to her partner that he would have to go home late because of work, while in fact he spent the time with the other one, it is the most obvious signal of a emotional affair," says Mackler.
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