Thursday, September 16, 2010


Vacation in an exotic island, fancy dinner or a sumptuous gift of diamond ring are the things that many women dreamed of.

Seeking a relationship with a rich man is not wrong. However, the research indicated that your chances for happiness may be bigger if you choose to foster a relationship with an ordinary or not too rich man.

"Men who do not have very much money actually are more willing to make their women happy. It was because of money and high statuses often trigger infidelity and other negative behaviors in men," says Adam Galinsky, Ph.D., Professor of Management and Organization Sudies of the Northwestern University , United States, as quoted from

If you're looking for a partner, do not only use wealth to consider if a man good enough for you or not. Why? Because, in fact, there are 4 "advantages" you can have if you choose to build a relationship with a not-too-rich man.
  • More Faithful
    Research shows that men with average income have smaller tendency to cheat on their partners. On the contrary, wealthy men tend to be more hypocritical in the case of infidelity.

    "Men of high statuses have greater tendency to cheat. But they are also more judgmental to others who are having affairs for their superiorty feeling of having more money and power," said Galinsky.

  • More Polite
    According to a report in the journal of Psychological Science, when meeting with new people, men from low to medium income are more polite than those of the riches. The facts observed when the researchers witnessed the differences on how the rich and the ordinary men treat the new strangers.

    "Men with average income try to socialize more because for them social relationships are skills to survive. Rich men might assume that they do not need new acquaintances," said Dacher Keltner, Ph.D., the author of the book "Born to Be Good".

  • Give More Support to Their Partner
    Research published in the Journal of Applied Psychology reveals that rich men look more sexy than ordinary men. But in terms of support and help to their partners, men who are not too rich are the champion. They do not hesitate to help their wives to clean the house, to bath the children, to cook and to do other household tasks. This oftentimes be very sexy in the eyes of the wives. Mutual support indeed will make couples happier.

  • More Astonishing During Lovemaking
    Men who are not too rich will try to satisfy their partner's sexual desires in every way, said Bethany Marshall, PhD, the author of the book 'Deal Breakers'.

    "Man will do everything to make their women stay. If he can not provide riches, he will try to satisfy his partner's sexual desires in every way," said Bethany.

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