Saturday, September 18, 2010


Do you feel stucked in your career, although you have all that needed for successful career progress such as brilliancy, loyalty and dedication to the company? Do not despair, because maybe there is something you do not know, or you've even deliberately neglected along this time. What is it?

"Love comes from knowing", maybe this saying rings something in your heart. Yes, you cannot love someone if you don't know him. It's the law of nature. If we do not see and know somebody, we tend to ignore him. Conversely, if we look, know, and have become familiar with him, we might be attracted to him. It could be that your career stucked because of this: your boss does not "know you".

To contend with your career problems, you can follow the following tips:
  • Make Your Quality Be Known
    A company is an organization that consists of many people, so it's not always easy for its leaders to know their employees personally. Therefore, you must do some efforts to make your bosses "know you". You must be willing to present yourself, to make yourself known, especially in the fields where excel the most.

    Be different, in positive ways. For example, if many or most of your colleagues come late everyday, take advantage from this situation by always coming on time. Or, if you're in a meeting, be bold and utter your smart opinions that may give more benefits to the company. This way, you would get your boss's attention.

  • Always Give A Positive Impression
    When your boss already "knows you", then make him remember you through always perform excellently in your job and show him your big potential. But don't be a boot licker. It would only harm your career in the long term.

    What you need to do is to always maintain - or improve - your work performance, especially if your boss trusts with an important project. If this kind of opportunity has not come yet to you, improve yourself now while waiting for that golden opportunity by carrying through your responsibilities as best as you can, one at a time. Remember, trust must be earned. You can not have other's trust in only a couple of days. You must nurture it persistently and diligently.

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