Monday, October 18, 2010

Secret of Harmonious Marriage

Each couple craves for harmony and perpetuity of their marriage. But there are too many things that can trigger quarrels in a marriage. However, there are some secrets that will help you to reach a harmonious relationship. What are they?

Genius Beauty, an Australian researcher, has found the secrets to help maintain happiness in family and to strengthen marital relationship. He also revealed that presence of gaps between husband and wife is often becomes the main trigger of arguments.

In his report he concludes that, to reach an intimate and harmonious relationship in marriage, a husband should not show that he gets more pleasures than his wife.

The similar conclusion also resulted by scientists from Deakin University in Victoria state, Australia. In their study, a husband should be more open to his wife. They found out that a husband's openness will make a woman feel more appreciated and will give her assurance that her partner is truly happy in his marriage with her.

Couples who conceal nothing to each other will be better prepared mentally in an event of divorce. But in most cases, couples who are honest to each other are less likely to divorce.

"The study found that the more gaps present between couples in their satisfaction level, the greater the threats to the marriage," the researchers said.

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