Sunday, October 17, 2010

Workaholic's Bad Habits

Working too hard has become a habit for many people. Even when they are at home, they still feel busy, can not relieve their thoughts out of their office work. Without realizing it, you might have worked harder and longer, thinking that hard work would bring you success.

However, do you know that working too hard for your career ambition could endanger your health? In fact, you could waste all of your money you have made out of your hard work at once if you get sick for being too tired. To avoid all of this, you need to get rid of "workaholic" habit from your life.

George Griffing, MD, a professor of internist from Saint Louis University, wrote in Times of India, that, "Many people feel they ought to work hard to gain financial success. But, high job pressure and long work hours will deteriorate you health in long term."

The workaholics often have bad habits that will give negative effects to their health. Here are the workaholic's bad habits that you should remove from your daily activities for a better health:
  • Forget to relax
    If you always put yourself in pressure and do not allow yourself to relax, you will be caught in stress syndrome. You have to take time for relaxing. This way, you will be more alert and motivated. Too much stress will decrease your productivity.

  • Eating on the Way
    Many times people forget to take a healthy lunch because of highload work such as meeting, conference calls and deadlines. It is necessary to eat in a calmy without overwhelmed with anxiety and haste. In the calmy situation, it makes more easily for nutritional content of consumed food to be absored by the body and make us more productive, especially for producing brilliant ideas for the quality works.

  • Abandoning Sleep For Work
    Everyone, including super busy professionals still need rest as much as 7 to 9 hours of sleep every day. Loosing your sleep time can cause many problems such as irritability, difficulty in concentrating and also memory problems. And also problems associated with obesity.

  • No Time for Exercising
    At least 30 minutes exercise every day is very important for your current and long-term health.

  • Still Working in Sick Condition
    Many people still come to the office to work in spite of their sickness. There are three important reasons why you need to stay at home when you are sick. First, nobody wants you to spread germs and disease in the office. Second, you will definitely become less productive and third, you need the rest to heal in order to be able to work better.

  • Drinking Alcohol (too much)
    Excessive drinking can lead to alcoholism, liver problems, and some forms of cancer.

  • Skipping Annual Medical Examination
    You must do medical examination to detect disease early, to prevent others from developing disease, and to get the best treatment for your body if it is in vulnerable condition. You need to know what happened in your body.

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